BSA Special Programs

BSA Special Programs

A. Achieving Academic Success with LMI:

Achieving Academic Success is a comprehensive program for young teens aged between 10 & 14yrs old which helps them implement the process of becoming successful lifelong learners and developing more of their potential for scholastic success.
This program help students create goals, make school a priority, find Balance, take personal for his learning, develops a study plan, attends class, talks to his teacher, uses family and friends support and asks for help when needed
The AAS is a 12 lessons program made of 15 bi-weekly group sessions, 2 hours each for 30 consecutive weeks in addition to one-to-one follow-up.

B. Tomatis

The Tomatis® method is a type of sound therapy, similar to auditory integration training. It aims to improve listening, communication and attention skills. Adults and children as young as 4years use headphones to listen to electronically modified music to develop internal capabilities. This method can be used to help people with language and speech difficulties, including children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Tomatis treatment involves an initial phase of 15 days with one hour listening each day. This is followed by 3-5 weeks off, and then another 2-3 blocks of one hour listening each day for 15 days. These blocks also have time off between them.